Fertility means ability to conceive i.e., ability to be pregnant. Every female life passes through stages of menarche, reproductive phase, perimenopausal and post menopausal phase. That means beginning of menstruation, phase of motherhood, nearing menopause & after menopause. Beginning of menstruation is controlled at Hypothalamus by secreting GnRH, which stimulates Pituitary to secrete FSH & LH. They stimulate ovaries to secrete Estrogen & Progesterone which lead to changes in the uterine endometrium. This whole cascade has a monthly cyclic pattern. The uterine endometrium, prepared like a 'red carpet' for fertilized ovum, is shed every month in the form of menstruation if, it does not arrive.
Fertility means ability to become a mother, a natural gift to female. If we take care of 'nature' in our body it will be 'naturally' functioning. 90 % of pregnancies occur naturally without any medical help. But today, our clinics are full of couples who come to us saying that, we are 'trying' but 'it' is not happening - means the wife is not conceiving.
Why so? ......
Why this 90% is going down drastically & fertility needs medical help more & more in percentage?