• History - How many years?
  • Family History
  • Tobacco History
  • Job Profile
  • Wt. in Kg / Ht in mt 2
  • BMI

Blood pressure is the lateral pressure exerted by blood column on walls of arteries.

  • Blood Pressure - Systolic/Diastolic
  • Systole - Contraction of Heart Chambers
  • Diastole - Relaxation of Heart Chambers
  • Normal BP of Adult
    • Male-120/80
    • Female- 110/70
  • Systolic BP is related with heart activity
  • Diastolic BP is related with resistance by arterioles.

Systemic Hypertension is increase in Arterial blood pressure with no change in blood volume. It is increase in systolic as well as diastolic or systolic alone. Increase in systolic pressure is due to increase in cardiac output & increase in diastolic pressure is due to increased peripheral resistance.

  • Arterial Hypertension can be Primary or Secondary.
  • Primary means not because of any disease.
  • Secondary means because of any disease.
  • We are studying only Primary here.

Causes of Primary Hypertension

  • Age
  • Heredity
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Stress induced
  • Tobacco

Common Symptoms are headache, giddiness, sweating, but no symptom is more common. Hence routine checkup of blood pressure is mandatory after 40 years of age.

Medicines are Mandatory for Hypertension treatment. Yogic Science helps as a supplementary or supportive care. It will help for smooth control of Hypertension & may prevent comppcations.

Additional Advice - Salt restricted diet.

Brisk walk 20 – 30 min.

Stop Tobacco.

Mode of Action of Medical Yoga Therapy

  • Practice of Yogic postures involving big muscles helps to reduce blood pressure, due to vasodilatation in them.
  • Yogic posture practice leads to a peaceful, stable mind leading to reduction in Sympatho adrenal discharge (SAD).
  • Practice of Viparita Karani position helps to reduce blood pressure by action of Baroreceptors
  • Conscious Relaxation in Savasana, causes reduction in SAD
  • Reduction in SAD due to cognitive awareness by practice of Dharana.
  • Reduction in SAD due to emotional stability by the practice of Dharana.

Benefits of Medical Yoga Therapy

  • Smooth medical control.
  • Minimum Medicines.


Baroreceptors are spray type nerve endings, stimulated when stretched, present in

  • Carotid sinus-which is dilatation of internal carotid artery at its beginning.
  • Aortic arch. These baroreceptors are responsible to buffer the arterial pressure in case of rise or fall.

This is achieved by the impulses carried by the 9th & 10th cranial nerves, from carotid sinus & arch of aorta respectively. (Glossopharyngeal & Vagus) An increase in arterial pressure leads to excitation of Vagal parasympathetic center leading to vasodilatation of veins & arterioles & decrease in rate & strength of contraction of heart. Both bring about decrease in arterial pressure.

This is achieved by the impulses carried by the 9th & 10th cranial nerves, from carotid sinus & arch of aorta respectively. (Glossopharyngeal & Vagus) An increase in arterial pressure leads to excitation of Vagal parasympathetic center leading to vasodilatation of veins & arterioles & decrease in rate & strength of contraction of heart. Both bring about decrease in arterial pressure.


  • Rapid increase in arterial pressure causes stimulation of Baroreceptors leading to reflex decrease in it.
  • Maintaining the arterial blood pressure when one stands up from lying position. It falls in head & upper extremity, which may lead to fainting (orthostatic hypotension).
  • This is prevented by signals passed by Baroreceptors, which leads to strong sympathetic discharge.
  • Viparita Karani posture leads to stretching of Baroreceptors sending signals to reduce arterial pressure as mentioned above. However, the role of baroreceptors in long term blood pressure regulation is controversial.
  • They provide powerful moment to moment control of arterial pressure.