• How many Years?
  • Family History
  • Which medicines & inhalers?
  • What is the frequency?

Inflammatory condition of respiratory airways

  • It is an inflammatory condition of respiratory airways due to hyper
  • sensitivity (Allergy)
  • Allergy is undesirable side effect of Immunity
  • Inflammation is the phenomena of tissue changes in response to heat/cold, trauma, infection, chemicals. Changes occur by this mechanism are Vaso-dilatation, Increase permeability of capillaries, clogging of fluid due to excess fibrinogen, migration of granulocytes and monocytes at the same site, swelling of tissue cells.
  • Result is “Wall Off‟ i.e., isolate the affected tissue from the surrounding.
  • Inflammation leads to swelling of mucous membrane, excessive mucus secretion & contraction of smooth muscle, present in the wall of airways.
  • These 3 factors cause obstruction to incoming and outgoing air, during breathing, making it difficult.
  • Medicines and inhalers reduce inflammation & relieve the spasm of smooth muscle.

Mode of action of Medical Yoga Therapy

  • Conscious relaxation in Shavasan reduces anxiety hence minimizes autonomic arousal (Parasympathetic stimulation causes bronchoconstriction.)
  • Selective Yogic postures help in rib cage expansion leading to increase in the area of alveolar bed for diffusion
  • Strengthening the muscles of ventilation (Inhalation & exhalation) by practice of selective Yogic postures & conscious deep breathing. (Abdominal & Thoracic breathing) (For Abdominal breathing - Thoracic diaphragm For Thoracic breathing -Intercostal muscles , Pectoralis major, Serratus anterior, Erector spinae & Rectus abdominis.
  • Practice of Kapalbhati (A shuddhukriya – which is forced exhalation by passive inhalation) improves the capacity of exhalation.

Benefits of Medical Yoga Therapy

  • Reduction in number of attacks
  • Reduction in severity
  • Reduction in medical need
  • Reduction in respiratory infections
  • Weight gain
  • Boost confidence

For Self-Study

Increase in depth & rate of breathing cannot increase the Oxygen supply of tissues. It can be increased by more quantity of blood reaching the tissues. i.e.by increase in cardiac output.

This is because diffusion stops after saturation of PO2, which occurred in .8 seconds, where time available for diffusion is 2,5 seconds.

Prerequisites of sufficient O2 supply to tissues are

  • Normal respiratory centers
  • Normal functioning of diaphragm or intercostals muscles
  • Sufficient area for gaseous exchange,
  • Sufficient Hemoglobin
  • Normal heart rate .
  • Open arterial network.